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Vintage menggoda - marianne

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Dipublikasikan oleh TheDeliberator

Video Transcription

Now mention a name, please remember it well, the name is Lee Tucci, goddammit to hell.

There's a sign at the door, says "All welcome here", and each Air Force man gets a nice


Toor-a-lay, toor-a-la, toor-a-la, and each Air Force man gets a nice souvenir.

I went to Seoul City, I met a Miss Lee

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She said, "Okay, flyboy, you come ***** with me"

She stayed in Lee Tucci, a place with hot floors

I left my shoes outside, I slid shut the doors

Tooralee, tooralong

I left my shoes outside, I slid shut the doors

She took off her long john, she rolled out a pad

I gave her ten thousand, was all that I had

Her breast smelled of kimchi, her bosoms were flat

Her middle was hairless, now how about that?

Tooralee, tooralong

Her middle was hairless, now how about that?

I asked to go binge-o, she led me outside

I reached for old Smokey, he crawled back inside

I rushed to the medic, what shall I do?

The doc was dumbfounded, old Smokey was blue

Tooralee, tooralong

The doc was dumbfounded, old Smokey was blue

When you're in Soul City, whatever you plan

Don't go to Lee Tucci, sit flat on your can

Your can may get calloused before you get through

But better the red ass than old Smokey Blue

Tooralee, tooralong

But better the red ass than old Smokey Blue


  • 54,386
  • 12:09