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Squirty Tootie

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Dipublikasikan oleh bill_perry2002

Video Transcription

He led the way in this arena.

His method became known as "angel magic"

because of his contact with spirits

that D believed were sometimes good and sometimes evil.

At one point, these angels compelled him to visit the Holy Roman Emperor,

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Rudolf II, and tell him that he was wicked

and that if he did not repent, God would throw him down.

Incredibly, D obeyed the angels,

visited the Emperor, and established a friendship

that would help to protect him from persecution later on.

In his experiments, D worked with a medium named Edward Kelly.

Kelly was the one who often made contact with the spirits D communed with.

In a diary entry of June 8, 1584, D records a startling account.

He claims that Kelly was greatly troubled

when the angels tried to persuade him that Jesus was not God

and that no prayers ought to be made to him.

They further claimed that sin did not really exist

and that man's soul simply moves from one body to another

in what sounds like reincarnation.

Upon hearing this, Kelly was apparently distraught

and believed they had contacted evil spirits.

Nevertheless, the angels provided Dr. D with gifts of knowledge.

D was the first to apply Euclidean geometry to navigation.

He built the instrument store and trained the first-rate navigators.


  • 6,382
  • 02:49