






Tentang saya: A passing glance at the mirror reveals my full exposure. A well matured, slutty BBW who frequently enjoys a glass of warm piss and a long cigarette to sooth my dark yearnings. The delicious taste of my tongue licking a stretched open asshole and sucking off an erect cock... then drinking down the lovely juice of cum and piss... a dream I cannot erase, or suppress. I'm left alone with these thoughts as I don't seek another, only a deep desire to be watched intimately and shared privately. I step softly into this second self and remain permanently bound to a unique identity where passion and an inner lust keep my burning sexual conviction alive. A joy remains in the exploration of greater fetishes and more intense orgasms as I learn more of my second self. I stay a complex secret of untold stories and fantasies to be revealed. Enter.

Tentang saya

A passing glance at the mirror reveals my full exposure. A well matured, slutty BBW who frequently enjoys a glass of warm piss and a long cigarette to sooth my dark yearnings. The delicious taste of my tongue licking a stretched open asshole and sucking off an erect cock... then drinking down the lovely juice of cum and piss... a dream I cannot erase, or suppress. I'm left alone with these thoughts as I don't seek another, only a deep desire to be watched intimately and shared privately. I step softly into this second self and remain permanently bound to a unique identity where passion and an inner lust keep my burning sexual conviction alive. A joy remains in the exploration of greater fetishes and more intense orgasms as I learn more of my second self. I stay a complex secret of untold stories and fantasies to be revealed. Enter.
Buka profil

Constance Informasi pribadi

  • saya:
    Transgender MtF, panseksual
  • Dari:
    Amerika Serikat
  • Mencari:
    Transgender MtF, panseksual
  • Minat
    dan fetish:
  • Bahasa:
    bahasa Inggris
  • Edukasi:
    Sekolah pascasarjana
  • Pekerjaan:
  • Pemasukan:
  • Hubungan:
  • Anak-anak:
    Tidak, dan tidak menginginkan satupun
  • Agama:
  • Merokok:
    Secara teratur
  • Minum:
    Tidak pernah
  • Obat-obatan:
    Tidak pernah
  • Tanda bintang:

Seperti apa penampilanku?

  • Etnis:
  • Panjang rambut:
  • Warna rambut:
  • Warna mata:

Video Constance Amatir Kreator Bokep Waria HD
